Thursday, April 24, 2008

More of the Latest

Well, just when you think things are getting back to normal, BAM!!!!, you get hit with this; Carla, our director is leaving Earl Bradsher. Since anyone reading this does not know Carla you have no idea what that will mean to the program. It could truly mean the end of it as it is now. Our program is so highly thought of and rated that to think that it could lose all that Carla and the rest of us worked so hard for is beyond belief. Now I am really glad that I'm leaving; I would not want to be there without Carla. She is our anchor and we will be adrift with out her.
Other news is that I am waiting to hear about the job in Hollywood, SC. Sounds fancy, huh? It isn't. It's very rural and poor but these are the people that I like to work with because I know that they need my all.
I talked to Terry, Andrea and Matty last night and it was a wonderful talk. They make me feel so good about myself. And I love that Andrea gets me and my sense of humor; I love making her laugh. Terry and I have this crazy sense of humor and we get each other too which is awesome.
Saw the house in SC and it has possibilities but much work needs to be done but we won't be doing a lot of it because we don't plan to stay there long. That one big room is crazy though; I have no idea what to do with it. I can't see it being a bedroom. ????????
The area is nice though even the parts I got lost in. But I found a coffee shop that I like and there are several grocery stores around. Next time I want to find a mall.
Oh well, doggie needs to go out so I'll sign off for now.

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