Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bad Week

This has been a really bad week for us at school and in Roxboro. Ann Garrard, a fellow teacher, lost her husband, John, to the brain tumor that robbed her of her husband for the last five years. Then Dr. Steve Garrett, our wonderful optomistrist who volunteers to see our kids and is the fiance of our director, Carla, lost his son, Matt, to congestive heart failure at the age of 21. Then there was the traffic accident that claimed the lives of two prominent Roxbororians, Dr. and Mrs. Bradsher. I did not know Matt nor Dr. and Mrs. Bradsher but it is very sad nonetheless. Let's hope that this is a better week.
We have Parent Conferences so it will either be very stressful or very easy or a combination of the two. It's always easy to get through those two nights to Thursday when you know that you will have the next five days off. I feel badly that they won't have that next year, they're getting gypped.
I can't wait until I can get down to South Carolina to see our house, check out the area. the ocean, the river, the sunset, the food, the resort, everything! Oh yeah, and spend time with Dave.
I still haven't heard anything about a job and I am getting very nervous. I hope that something happens soon; I'll just keep on plugging away. The Lord will provide.

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