Friday, April 25, 2008

No job

Well, bad news I didn't get the job I interviewed for; I am disappointed but not down. I will get a job in Charleston.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

More of the Latest

Well, just when you think things are getting back to normal, BAM!!!!, you get hit with this; Carla, our director is leaving Earl Bradsher. Since anyone reading this does not know Carla you have no idea what that will mean to the program. It could truly mean the end of it as it is now. Our program is so highly thought of and rated that to think that it could lose all that Carla and the rest of us worked so hard for is beyond belief. Now I am really glad that I'm leaving; I would not want to be there without Carla. She is our anchor and we will be adrift with out her.
Other news is that I am waiting to hear about the job in Hollywood, SC. Sounds fancy, huh? It isn't. It's very rural and poor but these are the people that I like to work with because I know that they need my all.
I talked to Terry, Andrea and Matty last night and it was a wonderful talk. They make me feel so good about myself. And I love that Andrea gets me and my sense of humor; I love making her laugh. Terry and I have this crazy sense of humor and we get each other too which is awesome.
Saw the house in SC and it has possibilities but much work needs to be done but we won't be doing a lot of it because we don't plan to stay there long. That one big room is crazy though; I have no idea what to do with it. I can't see it being a bedroom. ????????
The area is nice though even the parts I got lost in. But I found a coffee shop that I like and there are several grocery stores around. Next time I want to find a mall.
Oh well, doggie needs to go out so I'll sign off for now.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bad Week

This has been a really bad week for us at school and in Roxboro. Ann Garrard, a fellow teacher, lost her husband, John, to the brain tumor that robbed her of her husband for the last five years. Then Dr. Steve Garrett, our wonderful optomistrist who volunteers to see our kids and is the fiance of our director, Carla, lost his son, Matt, to congestive heart failure at the age of 21. Then there was the traffic accident that claimed the lives of two prominent Roxbororians, Dr. and Mrs. Bradsher. I did not know Matt nor Dr. and Mrs. Bradsher but it is very sad nonetheless. Let's hope that this is a better week.
We have Parent Conferences so it will either be very stressful or very easy or a combination of the two. It's always easy to get through those two nights to Thursday when you know that you will have the next five days off. I feel badly that they won't have that next year, they're getting gypped.
I can't wait until I can get down to South Carolina to see our house, check out the area. the ocean, the river, the sunset, the food, the resort, everything! Oh yeah, and spend time with Dave.
I still haven't heard anything about a job and I am getting very nervous. I hope that something happens soon; I'll just keep on plugging away. The Lord will provide.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Latest

Well, Dave has been in South Carolina for 5 days now and I'm still not sure how he feels about it. Not so much the job but the house; he keeps finding things wrong with it. The washer keeps blowing the circuit breaker, sounds like me when I dry my hair. He said there's something going on with one of the celing fans but I'm not sure what, I was half asleep. It does sound like he likes his job though he has worked some crazy amount of hours his first week. He started on Wednesday and by yesterday he had worked almost 60 hours. He organized the walk-ins and freezers and he cleaned up the area outside the restaurant where there was a bunch of garbage and a rat problem. I say, "You go boy!"
As for me, we now go into crazy time at school. We have Parent Conferences next week so this week is full of preparing for them. Getting all of the observations in, doing the checkpoints, writing up the progress reports plus everything else that goes along with being a teacher. But, as long as I have the kids and knowing that I will be seeing Dave and our house soon makes it easier to deal with. I am happy though that my last observation is over and now I just have to wait and see what Carla says about it and what my final review will include.
I am nervous because I have yet to hear back from the schools that I emailed the other day about getting an interview. What's going to happen if I can't get a job? I mean Dave's making good money but he can't do it all on his own nor do I want him to have to. If he could I'd rather be going to school to get my Masters. Oh well, hopefully the Lord will provide when He feels it's my time to get an answer to my prayers.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My First Blog Ever!

Well, I never thought I would be doing this but here I am blogging. It's all my brother's fault; he started blogging and I thought, "Hey! He's older than me. That's not right." So here I am.
One of the reasons that I decided to start the blog is to chronicle my future move to South Carolina. I plan to be totally honest about everything. How I feel about the area, the house, my job, Dave's job, Dave and all things related.
So, this where I will start and for tonight this is where it will end.